Larson, Ernest W.
The Peralta cache. 1977. This is Floyd Moore's simple story, simply written by his friend Ernest
Larson. It tells the saga of Moore's seventeen year search for lost Peralta treasure based on his whimsical
"reading" of the stone maps. From 1960 to 1977 Moore made dozens of brief forays into the mountains following a trail of clues derived from his unique reading of the stone maps (all left by the Peraltas and their priest). He backs up his reading of the stone maps with a number of photographs of mutilated or unusual saguaro and the physical terrain but, need it be said, it is all very simple-minded and eccentric. It all culminates in 1977 with his discovery of a tunnel on Black Top Mountain he claims is one of the Peralta's treasure caches. The best part of the book is his account of a trip through Arizona in 1942 when he and friends went for a hike up Superstition Mountain. After being shot at they split up to make their way out, getting lost in the process. Moore and a companion stumbled out of the mountains and walked to a light they saw in the distance; turned out to be Barney Barnard's "cabin" where they were cordially greeted, fed supper, and engaged in a lengthy conversation about the lore; a fitting beginning.